Monday, November 23, 2009

Grouper,Amberjack,and Snapper

I have been fishing offshore with Tommy Robinson for the past week. Here are some of the pictures that I have accrued over the past few days.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Early Morning Fishing Naples Fl.

Randy Eddy of Lacrosse Wisconsin and I fished Gordon pass Monday the 16th. I found a few mullet for bait and we set up on the bar on the North side of Gordon in Naples,Florida. It took about 20 min for the tarpon to show up and after that the battle was on. I had the rod for the in initial strike and handed it off to maneuver the boat around for the chase. Randy fought like a champ,him fishing bass tournaments back home and sponsoring multiple sclerosis tournaments,he knew the battle dance. After about 25min the line was sheared maby from a channel marker the fish swam too close to during the battle. It was great fun and a good story for the good old boy. Capt.Zeke

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Keewaydin Under the Stars

Connor Dunn, Wayne Ethier,and I camped on Keewaydin Issand on a piece of private land Sat the 14th of November. The skyes were clear and the air was chilly and made for a perfect night in the open air. We did not fish much during this trip. Although a few mullet found there way into the cooler. We headed home to watch the Dolphins game in on Sun morn and a little needed rest from our adventure. Capt Zeke

Saturday, November 14, 2009

45lb Cobia Naples Fl.

Fall Cobia in the Gulf of Mexico

Jason Smith of Naples and myself caught live mullet for bait and headed off the beach for some hot Cobia action. The barracuda and shark were hungry and made for some great entertainment while we waited for our fish of choice. The weather was calm and there was only one boat in sight. I hooked this 45lbs Cobia and the fight was on 15 min later with 20lb braid line she was landed. After a few pictures we revived and released this truly powerful and awesome fish. Capt.Zeke